Nonprofit for preserving knowledge of human biology and health for the future of off-planet healthcare 

We are building …

  • Research & Scientific Standards

    To speed the pace of research and create a future for seamless collaboration.

  • Health Optimization & Care

    Translating biologic discovery into tools and applications that make it possible to provide medical care far beyond Earth.

  • Communications & Engagement

    Disseminate knowledge broadly to close the feedback loop on discovery and innovation; ensuring all stakeholders share in the success of human space survival.

Meet the Founders

Christopher Mason, PhD (Chairman), Savi Glowe (CEO), and Eliah Overbey, PhD (CSO), joined forces to establish BioAstra, bringing together their expertise in astrobiology, genetics, clinical research, and healthcare innovation. United by a fervent commitment to advancing humanity’s potential, this skilled team is dedicated to forging a future where exploration is a collective endeavor, celebrating our common biology, our shared home on Earth, and our joint presence in the immense expanse of the cosmos.

  • Co-Founder & CEO

    A leader in the intersections of healthcare, technology, and clinical research, with extensive experience accumulated over several decades in the fields of data science, executive strategy, and the development of technology startups.

  • Chief Scientific Officer

    Astrobiologist & Astrogeneticist, former NASA Fellow and current Research Associate at Weill Cornell School of Medicine. Dr. Overbey has pioneered genomic health research for numerous missions including Inspiration4, Polaris, and Axiom2.

  • Co-Founder & Chair

    Pioneering Astrogeneticist, Professor at Weill Cornell School of Medicine, Principal Investigator for NASA Twins Study, and Author of “The Next 500 Years: Engineering Life to Research New Worlds

BioAstra Advisors

Crew -1

The BioAstra Crew-1 Mission embarked on a thorough analysis of an extensive range of scientific literature, with the goal of diligently distilling crucial insights pivotal for the evolution of tools designed to redefine space biomedical research standards. The Crew-1 team played a vital role in curating essential medical event data, clinical protocols and outcomes, as well as experimental practices and equipment, not to mention key biological research metrics. Through this meticulous examination of invaluable knowledge, our mission aimed to establish a robust and informed framework, propelling the creation of innovative standards in the domain of space biomedical exploration.

Stand with us at the forefront of change, shaping the landscape of healthcare beyond our planet.